
Work in Maldives

Why work in Maldives?

The Maldivian hospitality industry is an amazing industry for foreigners to work in. Here are some reasons why!

1. Great opportunity to make money

Depending on the department you wish to work in, or the country you are moving in from, working in the Maldives can be a great way to earn and save money. Many of the resorts provide a decent remuneration when salary and service charge are combined compared to many countries in the region. The high level of guests that visit Maldives tend to tip generously as well and employees depending on their luck and skills can make a significant amount more in the Maldives than elsewhere. Being stuck on an island, there is not much opportunity to spend money either so you can save a lot!

2. Benefits are great

Free accommodation, free buffet of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Staff recreation facilities. Free internet (generally really slow but still free) Doctor on the island. Can’t find perks like this in city hotels!

3. Free ticket home once a year!

Resorts provide you with one return ticket to the point of hire once every year so you don’t spend money on airfare when you are going back home.

4. Maldives has great properties to work in!

Many of the luxury properties are the flagship property of the brand and working in the Maldives can be an eye opening experience to the level of luxury service that is our there is in the world. When it comes to service quality, Maldives is of top notch quality. Maldivians generally have a more relaxed work style compared to what you may find in our home countries.

5. Multicultural

Maldivian resorts are diverse and accepting of people from all over the world. Meet people from around the world while you work as well.

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Work in Maldives

Service Charge

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