
Monthly Salary Payment

In the Maldives, we are paid a monthly salary. Why? We are generally paid from 20th of each month to the 20th of the next month. Why? 


I believe that we should be paid on a weekly basis. Why? So that corporations are unable to hold over the heads of staff their monthly salary. A month’s salary is a huge portion of money for the common man which many people disregard. It’s the common man that faces the most pain. 

When a resort fails to pay the salary on time. It’s a huge red flag. However, with false promises – they can have staff work for an additional month. Tell them lies. Clerical error, processing error, and both months salary will be paid together in the next month. This long duration allows for excessive exploitation of the workers. 


Having a monthly payroll only benefits the employer and is of a huge disadvantage to the worker. Monthly payroll processing means the employer saves the money spent on doing the payroll process. The less times payroll is run, the fewer the costs on the employer. 


With weekly payrolls, workers will be able to quickly notice delays in payments and minimize any losses they make when employers try to exploit them. 

With a monthly salary, we are being paid different amounts of money each month. Why? Because the time worked is different each month.

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Monthly Salary Payment

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Monthly Salary Payment

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