#News & Insights

Capacity for choice – in other words, Freedom

To what extent can an employer, especially a resort employer inhibit the freedom of the employee?

Can the resort tell the staff, your meal times are from this hour to this for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Can they ask you to stay within the staff accommodation at all times? Can they request that you stay in your room after a certain hour? Can they go through your belongings and search you at their will?

To what extent are you a free human when you live in a resort? Who protects your rights when you live at a resort?

The key point of this blog post however is to talk about the standard of freedom in when you can leave your workplace.

It is true that we live on small islands. After duty hours, are you free to leave the island? If you are free to leave and come back in time for your next shift, are you obligated to inform your immediate supervisor of your whereabouts? Do you have to get a boat pass signed by your supervisor before you can leave? Does security need to be aware? Do you require permission to leave?

For us, we believe that you should be free to travel on and off the island at will. The only person who needs to be informed is a security person at the jetty to be aware that a boat has docked at the resort and left. No permissions should be needed as the required permission is stepping on the freedom of the person who wishes to leave. Any person who is not free to leave the island while they are not on duty would be considered a captive.

Comment below and let us know if are you a captive where you work. Have you ever been a captive? Tell us where.

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Capacity for choice – in other words, Freedom

Service Charge in detail

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