
Accommodation, the basic standard

Accommodation - What is the standard?

When we move to a resort for work, we leave our homes and go to live in an accommodation space provided by the resort. While resorts frame this nicely as a benefit of a free place to live for you, is it really a benefit if you are leaving an empty bed at home that needs to be maintained and a family waiting for you to return?

Due to the geography and nature of the tourism industry here, we leave our homes and live on the property of the employer. What is the basic standard we expect from the employer? 

Let’s say we are food service staff in food and beverage or housekeepers. Some resorts offer 3 person sharing accommodation, some offer 4 sharing. Some even 6 sharing. What is the acceptable limit? 

A resort gives a bed to sleep, a wardrobe for your clothes, a towel and a change of sheets when you need it. Is that all that is expected?

In our opinion, 4 sharing should be  the maximum for a room. In a four sharing room, the shower and toilet should be separate. It would be best if the wash basin was separate as well which would allow for multiple persons to make use of the facilities as needed. 

Every person should have:

  1. Own bed 
    1. beds should not be bunk beds. Nor should they be low quality steel beds. Bunk beds are not a long term suitable living arrangement and having steel beds which make noise as you move creates disturbances to the persons sharing the accommodation as well as the person on the bed who is unable to freely move without disturbing their roommates. 
  2. Own Wardrobe 
    1. Every person should have their own personal space to store their belongings and as a safekeeping measure they should be able to lock up their property. 
  3. Change of towel and sheet at regular periods 
  4. A place to hang their towel. 
    1. Preferably this arrangement should be available outside the room 
  5. Excess to electricity 

This is what we consider the minimum when it comes to what an employee should get as accommodation when they uproot their lives to live in the care of their employer. 

What types of accommodation have you stayed in, and what do you think is the bare minimum that is reasonable to expect?

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Accommodation, the basic standard

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Accommodation, the basic standard

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